After Igor left, mum says it was taken over by the government (zadruga) and mum also remembers that Grna (Mesiar) meaning butcher, worked there and that he worked for the government and then worked for himself but as a butcher and mum ...
Posted by: Zadruga Guy | August 24, 2009 at 09:10 AM. Broadband cards are another great way to avoid high hotel costs.We travel with a Sprint broadband card. [ Standard disclaimer apply - We have no interest in nor receive no benefits ...
Posted by: Zadruga Guy | March 15, 2010 at 12:14 PM. Aren't we missing something here? Dick, who's going to set up the Wi-Fi at your 87-year-old friend's house? Or will she spend the day sipping Starbucks? ... Imagine surfing the web while traveling and remembering that you forgot to set your water heater to vacation mode, or turning the heat/AC lower to save on energy costs, or even setting your DVR to record a show/event that you want to watch later. ...